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adidas アディダス OPRO Snap-fit マウスガード (形成不要) 白 White

adidas アディダス OPRO Snap-fit マウスガード (形成不要) 白 White[ad-pt-mouthguard-opro-snap-fit-wh]
  • [名称] adidas アディダス OPRO Snap-fit マウスガード (形成不要) 白 White
  • [価格]¥980(税込 Incl.Tax)
  • ポイント/Point: 5%
  • 個/units
  • 売切れ
adidas アディダス OPRO Snap-fit マウスガード (形成不要) 白 White

材質:口腔専用ゴム - 人体には無害の食用ゴム (マウスピース) & プラスチック(ケース)

adidas Snap-Fit level gum shields are designed for instant backup protection - an essential to keep in every sports bag.

Instant fit and comfort: The Snap-Fit is perfect for those situations where you need a safe, secure mouthguard right this second. It’s protection where you need it most, when you need it most.

Short-term protection: adidas Snap-Fit gum shield in their kit bag just in case they lose or misplace their mouthguard. It offers adequate short-term protection at a price that won’t bite.

No boiling or moulding needed: Straight out of the case and into your mouth for immediate gameplay.

☆ お勧め商品-お客様にはこちらの商品もどうぞ! ☆
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